New Mexico Library Association

Supporting and promoting New Mexico libraries and librarians

Proposing & Sustaining SIGs

A Special Interest Group (SIG) may be formed by members whose common interests reflect the Goals of the Association. Members wanting to form an interest group submit a SIG Proposal Form to the Executive Board for recognition. The proposal will include the name of the member who will serve as the Executive Board liaison, a statement of purpose, and objectives related to the Goals of the Association.

Once formed, an interest group will annually submit a proposal for recognition by completing a SIG Renewal Form SIG Renewal Form. The Executive Board shall authorize continued recognition of existing interest groups at the first Executive Board meeting following the close of the annual conference.

Each interest group will have an Executive Board liaison who shall represent the group and submit the group’s objectives, proposed activities, and budget requests to the Executive Board.

Interest groups may request a program or meeting time during the Association’s annual conference or other general meetings.

Each interest group liaison shall submit a written annual report to be published in the post-conference issue of the Association’s official periodical and shall submit this report to the Secretary at the close of the annual conference.


  1. Invoices are to go directly to NMLA either by emailing  or mail (PO Box 26074). These invoices will be reviewed by the administrator and approved by the NMLA Treasurer for payment. NMLA will directly pay these invoices.
  2. Ordinary out-of-pocket expenses (food, printing, etc.) will be reimbursed after a Request for Reimbursement Form has been submitted to NMLA and approved. Please fill out the form entirely and include the SIG the charge is for.
  3. It is the responsibility of the SIG Chair to keep track of their budget. If you are unsure where something has been allocated or what has been spent, the NMLA budget is located in the “Members” area of the website.
  4. If you want to have a specific speaker at the Annual or Mini-Conference, when submitting a program proposal, please note on the proposal the SIG that is “sponsoring” this speaker. The speaker fees DO NOT come out of your SIG budget, but the NMLA budget for these two events.
  5. NMLA is a 501(c)3 and does not pay taxes on goods, only services.
  6. Bulk mailings (must be addressed to no less than 200 recipients) must go through our printer and be sorted by zip code when given to the printer. (Contact the NMLA Administrator for further information). Items for printing can be sent via e-mail to the printer and they can add our bulk mail stamp to the item during the printing process.

"New Mexico Library  Association" is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 26074, Albuquerque, NM 87125

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